About Honey Tree

Our Purpose and Philosophy

At Honey Tree our purpose is to enrich the lives and learning of young children in our community. We are committed to helping each child to value themselves as unique individuals created by God, and to develop a joyful curiosity in knowing and learning about God’s world.

Honey Tree’s Early Childhood program philosophy is based on:

  • Play and cognitive theory
  • “Whole child” approach to learning
  • Developmentally and age-appropriate practice

Play is the way of learning for children and this is how they learn best. Child development theorists, researchers and educators have long known that play is one of a child’s most valuable resources vital to their socio-emotional and cognitive-intellectual growth. Along with purposeful play children also learn through active exploration in an environment which is rich in materials and opportunities to work, converse, socialize and negotiate with others.

At Honey Tree we blend early childhood philosophy with developmentally and age-appropriate practice. Developmentally appropriate practice is an approach to early learning that focuses on the child as a developing human being and a lifelong learner. Our goal is to provide learning experiences which are both “developmentally and age-appropriate” as defined by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

Two small children interacting with live chicks in a box.

Approach To Learning

As early childhood educators, we know that children learn when all of the developmental domains are supported: social, emotional, intellectual, and physical. We address the needs of the “whole child’’ by providing activities and experiences that integrate these growth areas. The variety of experiences include individual choice, child-initiated and teacher-directed, small and large group activities. These facilitate the “whole child” approach to learning.

Youg Boy Building A Block Castle



The Honey Tree curriculum begins the moment your child walks through the door with classrooms and play yards that have been planned and prepared by attentive teachers to welcome them. Our curriculum foundation is thematic and allows for emergent experiences and opportunities based on children’s needs and interests. Daily routines, indoor and outdoor play, learning centers and circle times are each a part of the curriculum that helps children acquire skills and knowledge. Teachers facilitate skill development with ongoing observation, assessment, and daily and weekly lesson plans. Honey Tree curriculum encourages children to explore and enjoy:

  • Art
  • Block Play
  • Children’s Literature
  • Cooking
  • Dramatic Pretend Play
  • Language and Literacy Activities
  • Math and Science
  • Music and Movement
  • Puzzles, Games, Manipulatives
  • Sensory, Sand, Water Play
  • Large and Fine Motor Activity
Youg Boy Under A Tree Playing With Giant Tinker Toys